Nothing In Your Eyes


You may have vision problems or something physically abnormal with your eyes, but the cause may lie elsewhere. It’s not unusual for patients to lớn have complaints about how their eyes look or that their vision is off, but they’re just side effects of issues elsewhere.

Bạn đang đọc: Nothing in your eyes

You won’t have a fully functioning brain without healthy blood flow, reports Parade magazine. Diseases of your circulatory or vascular system may worsen cognitive impairments you’re suffering. A study in the journal Neurology, states blood vessels in the brain & eyes have similar qualities. Unhealthy retinal blood vessels may be a warning those in your brain are also having problems. They may be an early warning of future cognitive decline.

Diabetes và eye issues frequently go hand in hand. The disease is called “the silent killer” because early symptoms of the body’s difficulty regulating blood sugar may go unnoticed. It’s estimated a quarter of diabetics don’t know they have the condition. An abnormal eye exam may be the first tip-off. Diabetes may result in vision changes, retinal bleeding or swelling, & diabetic retinopathy.

High blood pressure also frequently has no noticeable symptoms. Symptoms visible during an eye exam include bleeding in the back of the eye or unusually twisted or curved blood vessels. Untreated high blood pressure may lead to glaucoma và macular degeneration. It can also increase the chances of a heart attack or stroke.

A white, gray, or bluish ring around your usually clear cornea is typical as we age. If it’s in the eyes of a child or a young adult, it may be a sign of high cholesterol. This may result in plaque buildup in blood vessels, increasing the chances of a heart attack, stroke, và other health problems. Soft, flat growths around your eyelids may be a sign of high cholesterol as well. It may also increase your risk of glaucoma.

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An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) may increase your metabolism and cause an irregular or rapid heartbeat. It can also result in bulging eyes, often caused by Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder. It can happen when your thyroid makes more hormones than your body toàn thân needs. Thyroid disease could also cause red, watery, or dry eyes.

Temporary vision changes or persistent vision loss may be a warning of an oncoming stroke or one that’s already happened. The loss of central vision is usually sudden & painless, but it should be taken very seriously. It could be a sign of an increased chance of a stroke. Often the vision loss is permanent, but if the situation is found quickly serious physical disabilities may be prevented, or the person’s life may be saved.

An eye exam may reveal you have Lyme disease. You may not remember a tick bite, so this diagnosis may come as a surprise. This tick-borne disease, if left untreated, can leave a person seriously impaired. In the early stages, the condition may increase floaters in your vision, conjunctivitis, or pink eye (red eyes with a pus discharge). Late-stage Lyme disease may affect the eye’s optic nerve and cause vision loss.

An eye exam may help much more than your sight if you have a health condition that can be diagnosed no other way. Have questions or concerns about your vision or eyes or want lớn set up an exam? liên hệ the Lehigh Valley Center for Sight at 610-437-4988 or fill out our contact form today. Reach out to us so we can start the conversation and work together khổng lồ protect your sight and your overall health.

Houman Ahdieh, MDLehigh Valley Center for Sighthttps://www.thegioinghiduong.comeyedoc

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