After divorce, song joong ki's brother hinted at song hye kyo 'covering the sky with her hand'


After all, the couple that everyone was shipping had broken down, & apparently, song Hye-Kyo had mentioned that it was due to “differences in personality”.

Bạn đang đọc: After divorce, song joong ki's brother hinted at song hye kyo 'covering the sky with her hand'

But is that all it is?

It turns out that this perfect relationship that has gone down the drain might be a plot for a Korean drama after all.

Because someone has spoken, and it looks lượt thích the pilot episode of a Korean drama.

Song Joong Ki’s Brother, song Seungki, Spoke Out

Well, not exactly.

Song Joong Ki’s brother, song Seungki, might be a typical low-profile brother of a superstar, but he has a massive following on Instagram: with over 27K followers, he’s rather well-known, though, lượt thích any father, he posted mainly images of his children.

Maybe people were following him in hopes of seeing tuy vậy Joongki in his candid và unglam moments, which they’ll be sorely disappointed.

But now, he’s suddenly being thrust into the limelight.


The superstar’s brother suddenly posted an image in his Instagram Story, claiming that it’s all a cover-up.

A Cover-Up?

In case you think that some Chinese have hacked into his account, don’t worry: the guy studied in đài loan trung quốc for eight years, so his Chinese is probably better than yours.

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Of course, this led to lớn netizens wondering if someone’s covering up anything: given that tuy nhiên Seungki should be on his brother’s side, netizens were convinced that tuy vậy Hyo-Kye was covering something up.

And it’s not just that.

After the announcement, song Seungki unfollowed song Hyo-kyo on Instagram, and even deleted all images that has the female tuy nhiên on it.

Still think it’s a coincidence, or that we think too much?

And there’s more.


Song Joong Ki’s Father Knew About It Through the Media

According to lớn an unnamed source, tuy nhiên Hye-Kyo had seldom attended tuy nhiên Joong Ki’s family events, and song Joongki was often caught in an awkward spot when his relatives asked about his wife.

But what’s even more shocking is that even song Joong Ki’s father didn’t know about the split until he read the news.

The elder tuy nhiên apparently “seemed jovial the day before the announcement. But ever since the news broke out, he hasn’t been in tương tác with anyone.”

Since then, he had not left his house.

So, what really happened in the song family?

No one would know, but if anything, I’ll stick khổng lồ reality and remind myself that Korean dramas are merely…dramas.

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